Defeat Abortion


We hear you.

You got questions about our site and movement? Scroll down.

We will add more questions and answers as we go along


  1. Q: What is at stake?
    A. Millions of lives if any of these measures pass on Nov. 5th


  2. Q.What are we praying for?
    A: The prevention of legalized slaughter of unborn children if these measures succeed and the change of heart and mind of every mom inclined to sacrifice the lives of their unborn


  3. Q: How should we pray?
    A. With the spirit and the understanding. If you're a Pentecostal, meaning filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, then you should do both. You have much more power with God that way.

    If you're not filled with the Holy Ghost, then you pray like anyone else in your native language to the Almighty, asking God to move among each and ever voter to vote against these measures that would weaken the cause of life. And then pray the Lord to baptize you with that power so you can do great things for God and live a powerful overcoming life.

    The task ahead is extremely daunting. But with God nothing is impossible or too difficult for Him. We must pray with that mindset or we'll likely succumb to human thinking and concede defeat. Defeat is not an option in mind when consider the amount of lost human life that will occur if these measures are voter codified.


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